Wednesday, July 25, 2012

VBS and First Step Pictures

Pastor Jeff gives all of the lessons at VBS, then we give out gifts if they can answer questions.
Young boys showing off their art work
Singing at First Step

Crafts at First Step

Singing at VBS

Some kids up front doing motions to the songs at VBS

Younger girls doing crafts at VBS

Younger boys doing crafts at VBS

Older girls doing crafts at VBS

Older boys at VBS showing off their art work

Playing games at First Step

We often play games with them during down time.


  1. A Special Little message for each of you (meant to be read with flair- maybe let Carole read it at the dinner table) Well it;s the Third day of VBS- I'm sure Pastor Jeff has his Ukranian accent on by now, don'cha Jeff. Cori, knock it off and put on your shoes. Kaylynn, don't encourage her. Mark, you forgot your sunscreen- didn't you. Don't forget your sunscreen. Hey Josh, Nice boots! Ben, where's your Grandmother? Don't loose your Grandmother! Rachel, are you getting enough to eat? Do you want something to eat now? Tammy, make sure Rachel eats. Brendan, what happened to your head? Did you hit your head? Ryan, did Brendan hit his head? Karen- where are you? Somebody take a picture of Karen. Scott, are you drinking enough water? (Sprite dosen't count). James, don't drink all of your fathers Sprite. Toni, please help Dianne. Dianne, you're in charge- good luck.

  2. great pics...thanks for posting!!! love the comment Dan-O!!! :)
